Penicillfn VK potassium is indicatecj in Ihe trealment of miW lo moderately severe infections due to microorganisms whose susceptibility to penicillin
G is within thus range of serum levels commori to this fisnitulsf dosage form. Therapy should be guided by bcterlologic studies (including susceptibilFty tests) and by clinical response. NOTE: Severe pneumonia, empyeina, baderemia, pericarditis, rpeningitis and arthritis should not be treated with p&nidltin VK during the acute $t3ge. surgSca procedures should be performed, The follovi/Lrtgi infections wiil usually respotd to adequate dosage of F>enicillin VK:
The dosage of penicilNn VK potassiurm should be detefmined according to the susceptibility of ihe causative micfoorganism and the severity of infection and should be adjusted to th& ciinical raspons gf the patient. The usuai dosage recvmenddtbns for adults and children 12 years and over are as fioHows: StrsptococcAf infections: Mild to moderately severe infections of the upper respiratcry trgct. including scarlet fever and nnild erysipelas: 200,000 to SOO.OOO units every 6 to 8 hours for 10 days.
Precautions & Warning:
Penicillin should be used with caution in indivpduals with histories of significant aflergies and/or aslfirtts. The oral roule of admin I stra Lion should not be relied upon in patienl5 wUh $ever iMnes or wilh nausea, vomiting, gastric dilatatiori, cardios asm, or intestinal hypermotilily. ..
Otcasional patients wiKH not absorb therapeutic amourits of orally administered penicillin.
In streplococcal infections therapy rnust sufficient lo eliminate the organism [s minimum of 10 days}; otherwise, the secjuela of ptococcaJ disease may occur. Cullures should be taken fallowing completion of treatment to determine whether streptococci have been eradfcated.
Prulongad use of antibholics may promote the overgrowtJi of nonsusceptFbEe organisms, including fungi. If superinfection occurs, appropriate measures should be taken.
Storage instructions:
Store below 25 degrees celsius. Protect from moisture. Keep out of reach of children.
Validity: Three Years